Thursday, March 20, 2014

Second Practice U13 Team White


Thanks so much for giving it your all for our second practice.  It seems the first day of spring brought us great lacrosse weather and with the thaw came the mud.  Don't be fooled though… cold days lay ahead and warm clothing should be brought to practice in any event.

Well,  none of the players accepted the R.O.O.T.S. acronym challenge (see first blog post)  and I was able to keep all of the rewards for myself.  I will at this point provide for you another one of the letter meanings in this essential acronym,  O is for opponents.  Opponents are enemies right?  No!!!!  The team opponents are V.I.P.'s or very important people!  Think about it this way, without opposing teams there would be no game.  There would be no competition.  There would be no excitement.  We owe an equal amount of respect for the teams that we come up against as we do for each other.  So now you have a good portion of the acronym solved, bring me the rest and enjoy a reward!

So something else to bring to practice next tuesday is a goal that you have in mind for the season, what is it that you want from the game this year?  Score your first goal, make a big transition during an offensive strike?  Maybe you want to improve your single hand cradling in your off hand?  Or maybe you want to play goalie for one quarter per game!  You tell me, I wanna know!

Some things we worked on in practice today;

1.  Equal Pressure Drill; Hogans Lacrosse-butt to butt. (boxing out the opponent)
2.  Passing and catching, the push and pull of the pass, the give with the catch.
3.  Off hand passing and catching. Passing and catching over the shoulder.
4.  Give and Go Drill.
5.  Alley Drills- cradling and dodging in the wings.
6.  Ground balls with sprinting and scooping.

Remember guys, communication is the key to team work, remember to talk to each other while out on the field, "I've got ball", "I've got man", "open", "release".  These and many other key communication terms will give us an advantage when we are out in the scrum.

Have a great weekend, be kind to your family and we will see you tuesday at 5pm well hydrated and ready for the weather.

Peace and Lax,

Coach Josh

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